Request for a water release

Complete the form below to request a release to river flows or lake levels.

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions below (specific to water releases) before submitting your form.

Requestor contact details

Request details

Purpose of water release or water level request

To support your request, please provide any other information.

Terms and conditions

Your request will be subject to the following terms and conditions.

  • Hydro Tasmania will endeavour to advise the requestor of potential risks and dependencies that may mean the water release request cannot be met as soon as they are known.
  • Hydro Tasmania reserves the right to cancel any confirmed controlled water release at any time prior to it commencing due to safety or other operational reasons. The requestor acknowledges that Hydro Tasmania cannot and hereby does not make any guarantee as to the availability of the river or lake level flows which may be requested.
  • The requestor acknowledges that Hydro Tasmania has not made any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the suitability of any confirmed water release, level or site conditions for the intended use. The requestor agrees and acknowledges that it will undertake the use at its own risk and has relied solely on its own assessments and analysis and has obtained professional advice where necessary. The requestor also acknowledges that it has the appropriate expertise, skill and resources to undertake the intended use safely and in compliance with any applicable laws and standards.
  • To the extent permitted by law, Hydro Tasmania excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from a use or activity undertaken or proposed to be undertaken in connection with a water release request
  • Specific Call-in and Call-out procedures, where applicable, will be advised when a water release is confirmed.
  • A request may be subject to additional site specific conditions.
  • Application is also subject to Hydro Tasmania's water use terms and conditions.

By selecting Submit, you agree to adhere by the above terms and conditions.
Once approved, we'll get in touch with you to confirm your request, including a copy of the terms and conditions, plus any additional conditions and safety information for the area.

Any person requesting a water release is responsible for assessing if the desired water flow is appropriate for the intended activity or use and undertakes such at their own risk.

We reserve the right to cancel a water release at any time due to safety or operational reasons and has no liability for any impacts or loss incurred as a result.

Remember to check the water levels to the area you are travelling to and plan your trip accordingly. Please read our terms and conditions for published water information before you head off on your trip.