As Australia's largest water manager, we take pride in supporting a range of water uses, whilst providing clean, secure and affordable hydropower. 

Using our water 

While some users enjoy recreational use of our water, others need to use it for irrigation or other commercial operations. The right to take and use water for these purposes is granted under a water transfer agreement.

Agreement holders must meet certain use, reporting and payment obligations to maintain their access rights. Agreement holders will also be subject to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania’s terms and conditions of any water licences.

Water prices 

Water taken under a water transfer agreement must be paid for in line with set annual prices. These prices differ between catchments, and reflect the foregone revenue Hydro Tasmania would have earned if the water had been used by us to generate electricity. 

The fees for the upcoming financial year apply to all water transfer agreements.

Hydro Tasmania water price for the 2023/2024 season

Reservoir or river Generation forgone
Annual price per ML
(July 2023 - June 2024)
Arthurs Lake 1.8969  $207.36
 yingina / Great Lake 2.2278 $200.58
South Esk  0.2794 $25.15
Parangana (bypass mini) 0.8783 $79.04
Parangana (via mini)  0.7950 $71.54
Cluny Lagoon 0.1072 $10.42
Lake Meadowbank 0.0675 $10.04*
 Lake Barrington 0.2242 $20.18
Lake Paloona 0.0731 $10.04*
Minimum fee
$10.04* per ML
Updated 23 May 2023

* Water fee floor price.


Hydro Tasmania water price for the 2024/2025 season

Reservoir or river Generation forgone
Annual price per ML
(July 2024 - June 2025)
Arthurs Lake 1.8969  $168.73
 yingina / Great Lake 2.2278 $209.41
South Esk  0.2794 $26.26
Parangana (bypass mini) 0.8783 $82.52
Parangana (via mini)  0.7950 $74.69
Cluny Lagoon 0.1072 $10.67
 Lake Meadowbank 0.0675 $10.37*
Lake Paloona 0.0731 $10.37*
 Lake Barrington  0.2242 $21.07
Minimum fee
$10.04* per ML
Updated 23 April 2024

* Water fee floor price.


How do I report my water use?

Pattern-approved meters are the most effective way of accurately reporting your water use. Our expectation is that you will be using a reputable standard of water meter that can provide accurate and up to date information regarding your annual usage. For more information on standard water metres, visit NRE Tasmania

In need of payment support?

We know that our customers have a lot on their plate and we're here to help meet everyday challenges and new opportunities.

If you're worried about paying your water bill, please give our water team a call on 03 6240 4617. We'll work with you to develop a customised payment solution. There are lots of options available, from one-off payment extensions to establishing regular payment plans. We can also look at how to improve your water accounting methods to ensure you're only paying for what you use.

Difficulties managing your annual invoice might occur for a host of reasons, including:

  • Personal factors such as bereavement, illness, family violence, divorce, or separation.
  • Commercial factors such as weather, market conditions, or disease.

Getting Assistance

Please get in touch for a confidential chat. You can reach us: - By phone on 03 6240 2242 - By email to We understand it can be uncomfortable to speak to someone when you’re struggling with financial issues, which is why we promise to listen and work with you to create a payment solution that supports your individual circumstances. If you’d prefer to nominate someone else to talk on your behalf, we will need your written consent first. Please email this through to the team, along with contact details, and we’ll aim to respond in two business days.

Types of Assistance

There is a range of short- and long-term assistance options available and where possible, we’ll do our best to offer the solution that works best for you. Options include: - spreading payments over specified time periods; - one-off payment extensions; and - reviewing how you calculate or measure your water use

Your responsibilities

To make sure the help we offer is effective, it’s important you agree to: - pay agreed amounts in full and on time or tell us if your ability has changed and why. - keep your contact details updated. - work with us to audit your water use to identify possible efficiencies. Depending on your circumstances, we may also require you to: - update your metering and/or water accounting measures. - work with an external agency such as Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, a financial advisor or agricultural consultant. - work with us to lower your water use to an affordable level.


Hydro Tasmania is committed to protecting the information of our customers in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. Our Privacy Policy can be accessed at

Report your water use for FY2023/24

Reporting your water use is an important condition of your water transfer agreement, which must be completed at the end of each financial year. Together, we can work to manage water resources in your catchment sustainably and equitably.

Complete one form for each water transfer agreement you hold or are responsible for reporting against. 

If you need help completing this form, email and a member of the water team will get back to you. 

Your details


Entity details

Water use from 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024

Volume should be reported in megalitres (ML) to the nearest whole number. If you have multiple pumps or take locations under one agreement, please provide the combined amount.
Please provide evidence to support this amount
Upload files in the field below. Photos of your water meter(s) or other records are acceptable.
I understand the requirements to report water use and I hereby declare that the above details provided by me are true and correct.

Want to discuss your needs with our team?

Send us an email at We aim to get back to you in two business days.