Our first wind farm, Huxley Hill, was built on King Island in Bass Strait in 1998. This was followed by wind farms on Flinders Island and then around Tasmania.
The Huxley Hill wind farm is owned and operated by Hydro Tasmania. It was the second commercial wind farm in Australia. The wind farm started generating in 1998, initially with three turbines. In 2003, an additional two, larger turbines were commissioned.
Find out more about the role of wind in the integrated renewable power development on King Island.
Flinders Island has relied on diesel fuel for electricity, which was supplied by the 3 MW power station, serving 6.7 GWh of annual customer demand, peaking at 1.3 MW.
We developed the Flinders Island “Hybrid Energy Hub” with the support of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). This system is capable of displacing 60% of the annual diesel fuel used to generate electricity on Flinders Island and is capable of 100% renewable energy generation.
Find out more about the role of wind in the integrated renewable power development on Flinders Island.