Contractors – managing your health, safety and environmental needs

This page is for use by Hydro Tasmania group employees and people working on behalf of the business.

These documents provide standards and processes to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, protect our environment, encourage sustainability, prevent injury and illness, and to provide a cycle of continuous improvement.

We establish our commitments, goals and improve our system in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems. These documents are constantly being improved, so please check currency regularly – and always discuss what requirements apply to you and the work that will be performed with your Hydro Tasmania group representative before undertaking work.

To access the management system, please use the username and password provided to you. If you need access, contact your Hydro Tasmania group representative.

For questions about the standards in the system, please contact the environment team or the WHS team.

Permit to work register

This register has been locked. For any training enquiries, please reach out to a Hydro Tasmania employee, or to or

Log incident or near miss

Incidents need to be reported to your Hydro Tasmania contact immediately and within one hour.

Safety training

See below under ‘How we provide induction and training’ for upcoming dates, or get in touch.

Our commitment to safety, wellbeing and environment

How we manage specific risks

How we provide induction and training

How our managers review this safety system