As Australia’s largest generator of renewable energy, we are already one of the lowest emitters in the energy sector – at just 0.1% of Australia’s biggest carbon emitter. But we can – and must – do more.
Launched in July 2023, Our Toward Net Zero plan involves a raft of initiatives to measure, reduce and offset emissions across Hydro Tasmania, our energy retailer, Momentum Energy, and our consulting business, Entura.
We’ve made important strides, including electrifying more of our vehicle fleet, reducing use of diesel on the Bass Strait Islands and negotiating with offset providers for projects to offset our carbon emissions.
Our energy retailer, Momentum Energy, is also leading the industry partnering with ‘Goodbye Gas’ to support customers to electrify their homes and reduce their carbon footprint.
Thanks to our ambitious plan, we are on track to achieve net zero reportable scope one and two emissions from 1 June 2025. And we will measure and report scope 3 emissions to formulate further emission reduction strategies.
Read the action plan by clicking here!
✓ First electric vehicles purchased ✓ King Island solar farm commissioned ✓ Start quantifying scope 3 emissions ✓ Ongoing lake emissions measurements and research ✓ Offset strategy developed ✓ Momentum Energy customer insights and tools
This graph shows the relatively high scope 1 and 2 emissions from 2016–19 driven by periods of extremely low rainfall and an extended outage of the Basslink interconnector (which transfers energy between Tasmania and the mainland). This meant an increase in the use of the gas-fired Tamar Valley Power Station (TVPS) was required. By 2020, we had replenished hydro storages and new wind farms came online, and Tasmania was able to proudly claim 100% net self-sufficiency in renewable energy. There was a small increase in emissions during 2023. This was following a thorough audit of our emissions accounting process which identified an additional emissions source.
We have set an ambitious and achievable path to 2025 and beyond. We don’t yet have all the answers and we recognise that a lot may change on the way, not just within our businesses but within the broader energy market.
Hydro Tasmania aims to accelerate the renewable energy transition and create renewable energy for future generations.
The target and actions set out in our Towards Net Zero plan are the first steps along our journey. We will strive to go even further. It will be critical to keep an eye on the changing market conditions and adjust our action plan as needed along the way. Rigorous and transparent monitoring and reporting on progress are key to any net zero target or journey – and ours is no different.
We commit to: