It's not just about ticking a box.

We all thrive when we work sustainably. Our communities, our people, and the environment. We balance long-term outcomes across renewable energy, the planet and people, so future generations can thrive too.

A small green tree being planted into the ground, with a person in Hydro Tasmania high-vis clothing pushing the tree down into the ground.

Protecting the planet  

Through managing hydropower schemes, we also take care of some of Tasmania’s most biodiverse environments. Even though we already generate low-emissions energy, we have a commitment to achieve net zero reportable scope one and two emissions by 2025, and programs to manage environmental sustainability, including the conservation of Tasmanian plant and animal species. 

A wind turbine standing amongst green fields, with the sun setting in the background. Blue dusty skies and clouds surround the top of the turbine. A smaller wind turbine can be seen in the background also.

Energy for the future 

Our hydropower history is built on a pioneering spirit. Today, we know clean energy like the back of our hand, and look forward to the cleaner, greener energy markets of the future.  More clean energy is needed to meet decarbonisation ambitions. Our lean energy vision will see hydropower playing a bigger role in this future. Clean energy, powered by Tasmania.  

A family smiling for the camera (man, women, and two twin children), with a dusty sunset behind them.

For us all to enjoy 

Without the people who work for us today, those who made sacrifices of the past, and the communities that support us, we wouldn’t be in the position of strength we are now.  We work alongside communities, industries and partners to create positive outcomes for Tasmania. We support our hard-working people to get the best out of their work and play, and to make Hydro Tasmania a rewarding and enjoyable place to work. 

Learn more

2022 Canoe Slalom Championships

Planting Pencil Pines at Lake Mackenzie

From Coast to Country with Bianca Templar

Clean energy is 'Too Good To Waste'

The people who power Flinders Island

A cray-zy discovery at Lake Burbury!

Trainee Maintenance Assistant program

Raising a glass to science

© Hydro-Electric Corporation 2025