

Maintenance and access on your property

As a property owner or occupier, you have certain responsibilities around the energy supply to your home.

Safe access to meters

It is important that our meter readers have clear and safe access to your meter box.

You can help us by:

  • keeping dogs restrained or away from the meter
  • if your meter is behind a gate, you can get a special lock that our meter readers also have a key for (to find out how to get a lock, please contact us)
  • keeping the meter clear of vegetation, insects, vehicles and other equipment
  • moving your meter box if it becomes inaccessible because of new fences or building changes.

If we can’t access the meter for any reason, we will estimate your energy consumption based on your previous bills, which might not be the same as your current use.

Private power lines and maintenance

There are many private power poles on the Bass Strait islands and maintaining these poles is the responsibility of the property owner. For information on pole ownership and tips for maintaining private power poles, please see the private power line and maintenance guideline.

If you lose power and your private power poles and other assets are unsafe, it can be harder for us to restore your supply.

Safe growing near power lines

If trees and shrubs come in contact with a power line they can bring the line down and disrupt your power or even cause a fire.

For everyone’s safety – and according to the law – you must ensure a safe distance between power lines and any foliage, trees or shrubs that grow on your property. Find out more about safe growing near power lines.

Working near power lines and cables

Working near power lines and cables can be very dangerous and it is important that safe distances are maintained.

Look up and look out

If you use machinery such as high vehicles, excavators or tip trucks, you need to look up before you begin work. Power lines may be above you and pose a risk to you and others nearby.

Bass Strait islands safety

Take the time to plan any activities around power lines, and have someone monitoring the movement of your machinery near power lines.

For more information on how to reduce risks when working near overhead power lines visit the WorkSafe Tasmania website.

No go zone

No one may work within 3 metres of power lines, unless they let us know and receive written authorisation to do the work. To arrange this, please contact us during business hours on 1300 360 441.

When work is to be performed near our electricity network by councils, contractors, land owners and others, you must follow our guidelines. View information on working near electrical assets.

Councils and property owners also own and manage electrical infrastructure and should be contacted during work planning to find out if they have infrastructure near planned excavations.
Bass Strait islands no go zone

Dial Before You Dig

Dial Before You Dig is a free service you can contact to find out if there are any underground pipes or cables where you want to dig.

You can call Dial Before You Dig on 1100 between 8am and 5pm weekdays or submit your request online at

Once a request is submitted, you should get a response from the asset owners of the respective underground assets (Hydro Tasmania, TasWater, TasGas, Telstra, councils, etc.) within 2-3 business days.