Upcoming recreational water releases –
Mersey River below Rowallan Power Station
Day / date
Start time
Finish time
Please note: Due to ongoing machine outages in the Mersey-Forth no further water releases on the Mersey below Rowallan can be booked until the end of February.
Forth River below Paloona Power Station
Please note: Over summer water releases on the Forth River below Paloona and highly dependent on rainfall and inflows. Support for individual water releases will only be confirmed or declined close to the actual date.
King River below John Butters Power Station
Bradys Slalom Course
Cataract Gorge at First Basin
Every year we receive numerous requests for changes to water levels and river flows, and when and where possible, we will try to safely accommodate the requests.
Requests for water releases cover a range of areas - everything from helping irrigators following below average rains; bolstering a town's water supply to support water-based events for rowers, canoeists, kayakers; to training exercises for emergency service personnel.
Approved water releases are subject to our terms and conditions which can be found on our request form. The person responsible for the request must assess if the desired water flow is appropriate for the intended activity or use and undertakes such at their own risk.
The details of a water release can change at any time. We reserve the right to cancel a water release at any time due to safety or operational reasons and has no liability for any impacts or loss incurred as a result. Before setting out, it's important to read the terms and conditions, check water levels and plan your trip accordingly.
If you have any questions about the water releases noted above please contact us at water.recreation@hydro.com.au and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible, or give us a call during office hours on (03) 6240 2208.