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Filming and photography

Hydro Tasmania’s land and assets include areas of spectacular natural beauty, cultural significance, and engineering wonder. We frequently receive requests from people and businesses wanting to conduct filming and photography in and around these areas. 

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While providing clean, secure energy is Hydro Tasmania’s first priority, we endeavour to accommodate reasonable requests for filming on our land and assets.

When determining whether to grant approval for filming we consider a number of factors including any potential impacts on the environment, our assets, day to day operations, public safety and cultural heritage. We also need to ensure photos and footage do not incorrectly represent Hydro Tasmania’s assets, brand or image. 

Filming application process  

A wide range of photography and filming that occurs on our land requires Hydro Tasmania’s prior written approval, including student, commercial, community and not-for-profit productions, as well as still photography. Approval must be sought if the end product is intended to be publicly exhibited or used for commercial purposes. 

If you wish to film or photograph Hydro Tasmania's land and assets, pleases complete a filming application form at least 14 days prior to your requested date of filming. Late fees may apply to applications received after this time. 

Please ensure you have read our filming guidelines  which outline the terms and conditions of filming on Hydro Tasmania's land and assets.

Filming may incur a fee of $400 + GST to cover the administrative costs associated with handling the application. If you require access to assets such as a power station, or other assistance from Hydro Tasmania employees, additional fees may apply.

Once your filming application has been received by Hydro Tasmania we will contact you within 2 - 5 working days to discuss specific requirements.

In most cases, a formal filming agreement will need to be signed before filming commences. This will include you supplying any necessary documentation such as public liability insurance and workers compensation certificates.

Use of drones/Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)


All proposed filming that includes the use of drones/RPA regardless of size or type, requires Hydro Tasmania approval, so an application form  must be submitted. Read more about drone use on Hydro Tasmania land.

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