These guidelines apply to filming and photography activities on and within all Hydro Tasmania's land and assets.
The authority to approve filming on Hydro Tasmania’s land and assets is given to the Communications Manager (or delegate) for all filming productions. Approval can be granted following the completion of an online filming application form and signing of a filming licence agreement, with the provision that relevant information, certification and payment of fees, are provided to Hydro Tasmania when required.
The major factors to be considered include: • compatibility of filming with the purposes of Hydro Tasmania • environmental impacts • impacts on public access to sites • safety of participants and spectators • availability of alternative venues • accurate presentation of Hydro Tasmania’s assets, brand and image .
Any filming activities must conform to the provisions of the filming agreement issued by Hydro Tasmania. For example, vehicles may only be used on formed roads and in compliance with speed limits. Firearms, pets, domestic animals, damage to vegetation and disruptions to operational activities are prohibited and fires are only permitted in authorised fireplaces or stoves.
A minimum of fourteen days’ notice for any filming activity is required prior to the proposed start date. Late fees may apply to applications received after this time Hydro Tasmania will also require a filming schedule and a brief description of the content and its intended use. A full script may be requested. Booking should be made via the online filming application form.
A filming agreement will be required for certain activities. Extra conditions of approval in response to local management issues may be attached to the agreement at the discretion of Hydro Tasmania. Fees and any required permits will be brought to the attention of the applicant, via the conditions of approval.
Flight activities must conform to all statutory regulations. Where the land has mixed use with another party (e.g. DPIPWE), Hydro Tasmania will advise and the co-occupier must be consulted. All helicopter landings require approval from Hydro Tasmania.
All proposed filming that includes use of drones/RPA regardless of size or type, requires Hydro Tasmanian approval, so a filming application form must be submitted. Read more about drone use on Hydro Tasmania land.
A fee of $400 +GST may be charged for filming of Hydro Tasmania’s land and assets. Additional fees may be incurred if you require access to a power station or other assistance from Hydro Tasmania employees. The fee (or part there of) may be waived at the discretion of Hydro Tasmania, for educational, tourism or other filming activities which are likely to increase appreciation, awareness and understanding of Hydro Tasmania’s activities.
A bond (or guarantee) may be required for the purposes of repairing any damage or cleaning up after the event. The amount will be determined in each case (at the discretion of Hydro Tasmania), based on the activities proposed and the number of people and equipment involved.
Public liability insurance is required, with Hydro noted as an interested party, for the permitted use, with cover for any one (1) event (including fire, flood and explosion and use of the Licensee’s Works) typically the sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00).
Workers compensation insurance is required, in accordance with applicable workplace laws.
Where fees apply, an invoice will be issued following the co-signing of a filming agreement. All fees must be paid to Hydro Tasmania within 30 days of filming.
Previewing of the final film or photo product (in rough cut form) is typically requested by Hydro Tasmania to ensure that the area being filmed is portrayed in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval. Hydro Tasmania undertakes to provide a response to this previewing within 2-5 working days of the film or photos being submitted.
The producers may be required to place the following in the credits, where credits are given: Produced with the assistance of Hydro Tasmania. Or Produced with the assistance of the employees of Hydro Tasmania. Or Filmed at .................... - Tasmania