Reece Power Station Reece Dam Spillway A RCDD01

Sustainability reviews 

We carry out systematic reviews to assess water and land management activities across our six major hydropower catchments. We do this to ensure that we manage our catchments sustainably, so that future generations will have access to healthy water resources.  

Assessments are made in consultation with stakeholders, and consider social, environmental and economic conditions and management practices. After a catchment has been assessed, a series of actions are recommended and evaluated.

We commit to which actions can be implemented and communicate to the community about these specific actions that lead to improved management of environmental and social values in the catchment.

We continue to evaluate and update our approach to catchment reviews so that we keep improving this important aspect of our environmental management.

King and Yolande Sustainability Review 


The King and Yolande Sustainability Review is the fifth catchment review to be undertaken. We have just finished our review of this area. There are three power stations within the two catchments; John Butters (King Catchment), Upper Lake Margaret and Lower Lake Margaret (both in the Yolande Catchment).

King Catchment

This area is defined as Lake Burbury, and the King River from Crotty Dam to where it enters Macquarie Harbour.

Yolande Catchment

This area is defined as Lake Margaret and the Yolande River, above where the river joins the Henty River.

We recognise the need to manage the water we use for generating hydropower for multiple uses, and we understand the cultural heritage significance, wilderness values and recreational opportunities of the area. This review allowed us to identify the additional information required to sustainably manage this resource for the future.

You can find an overview of the environment, our operations and how people use the King and Yolande catchments in our King and Yolande Sustainability Review - Information Review. Our Outcomes and Commitments Report where we outline our commitment to sustainability in the region can be found here.

Survey results


As part of the King and Yolande Sustainability Review, we invited stakeholders and community members to have their say by completing our community survey. The survey was open to any person, group or business with an interest in the King and Yolande catchment area.

From the feedback and conversations we’ve had with the community and our Information Review, we were able to find out where there are gaps in knowledge and what you valued most. This has allowed us to develop the following factsheets on information that matters most to you:

Scientific studies

Scientific outcomes undertaken during the study include:

  • Water quality in Lake Burbury
  • Weed management
  • Threatened Short-tailed Rain Crayfish
  • River health

For more information on the findings of these studies please see our Outcomes and Commitments Report

Want to find out more? Get in touch with our team at or call 1300 360 441.