Energising the future workforce

1 June 2023

An inspiring event that gives female students a first-hand look at the possibilities of an exciting career in renewable energy, has taken place at locations across northern Tasmania.

Girls In Power is a free, three-day career exposure event designed to demystify careers in the power industry for young Tasmanian women in Years 9 and 10.

Girls in Power is proudly backed by Hydro Tasmania, Entura, TasNetworks, Goldwind, and ACEN Australia. The event was made possible through a grant from the Tasmanian Government.

The unique event aims to develop participants' confidence in their skills and abilities, and encourages them to consider careers that have traditionally been dominated by men.

Hydro Tasmania Executive General Manager, People Culture and Engagement, Ruth Groom, said the unique program was designed to connect girls with future opportunities in clean energy industries, even if they remained unsure about their future direction. 

“The Girls in Power agenda helps its young participants better understand STEM by seeing how science, technology, engineering, and maths are used in the real world, at renewable industry sites around Tasmania,” Ms Groom said. 

“We’re thrilled to again be a partner on this amazing program, which has provided this group of young women from northern Tasmania the opportunity to help charge up their future careers. 

“Hydro Tasmania recognises the need to encourage the workforce of the future, especially women who have been traditionally under-represented in energy.” 

Based in Launceston and the Tasmania’s Central Highlands, this year’s event comprised hands-on workshops, power industry work exposure visits, and some amazing female guests who work in the industry. 

This year’s event was organised for northern Tasmanian students, after last year’s inaugural event was based in the south. 

During this year’s event, participants learnt about transforming the energy in water into electricity, harnessing energy from waves and wind, and flying drones. They visited an electricity substation, explored Electric Vehicles, and raced solar cars. 

Renewable energy is front of mind for policy makers across Australia, as the nation’s electricity market rapidly shifts away from traditional sources of carbon-intensive power. 

Tasmania has enormous potential for growth in renewables and having a diverse, skilled, and motivated workforce will be critical to the state’s future success. 

For more information, please visit www.girlsinpower.com.au/


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Duncan Abey / 0409 722 359 / media@hydro.com.au


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