Hydro Tasmania community grant recipients announced

29 August 2022

Racing wheelchairs to help young disabled Tasmanians participate in sport; upgraded communication
radios for a North-West marine rescue organisation; and affordable city accommodation for regional

cancer patients.

These are just some of the worthy recipients in the latest round of Hydro Tasmania’s Community and

Innovation Grant programs, providing approximately $40,000 in funding support in 2022.

Hydro Tasmania has a long history of supporting the community, and is now in the sixth year of the

grant program and second year of innovation grants.

Our grants make a real and positive difference to Tasmanians. This year, Hydro Tasmania has provided
just under $20,000 in community grants to a diverse range of groups, and a further $20,000 in

innovation grants to support the isolated and vulnerable in our community.

The innovation grants allow Hydro Tasmania the opportunity to invest in people, new ideas, and
projects for local communities. They are aimed at helping organisations to adapt and change their

operations to achieve better outcomes.

Hydro Tasmania Community Advisor, Kate Hickey, said the community grants program provided

tangible support to community groups across the state.

“It's wonderful to hear the stories of the amazing work these community groups and their volunteers
are doing in their communities. Our hope is that these grants will help them to keep on achieving their

goals,” Ms Hickey said.

The Tasmanian Little Athletics Association will use its community grant to purchase racing wheelchairs
and throwing frames for children with a disability to allow them to have a fulfilling relationship with


The Association applied for the grant to increase the participation rate amongst people with a disability,

and to make them feel included and fairly represented.

Meanwhile, Cystic Fibrosis Tasmania will use its funding to continue their “Healthy You” initiative,
which supports individuals with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) to access a venture, equipment, or registration that

contributes positively to their mental and physical wellbeing.

The financial, emotional, and symptom burdens of CF are significant. CF Healthy You will play a small
part in helping individuals continue to participate in the activities that bring them joy, allow their

finances to be directed to their medical care, and to encourage them to participate in healthy activities.

Located close to the Royal Hobart Hospital, the Fight Cancer Foundation's John Opie House is a home
away from home for seriously ill patients and their families and carers, relieving some of the emotional,

financial, and physical stress serious illness brings with it.

Each year, John Opie House supports approximately 250 families with seriously ill members with 1500
nights’ low- or no-cost accommodation when they when they must travel to Hobart to receive medical


The Fight Cancer Foundation will use its Hydro Tasmania community grant to purchase the laptops and

mobile phones it needs to ensure staff remain available to guests during the current health restrictions.

Wynyard Volunteer Marine Rescue provides a vital safety service for water users on the North West,

and supports many recreational activities in the region.

In the past three years, the unit has provided 125 hours of patrol, search and rescue to the community,
and was responsible for providing 15 vessel escorts to people who would have otherwise been stranded

at sea.

It will use the support from Hydro Tasmania to purchase a new VHF base-station and long-range
antenna, as well as six hand-held digital VHF radios for closer-range work, to improve communication

and safety.

Girl Guides Tasmania will use its Hydro Tasmania innovation grant to partner with the Women's Legal
Service Tasmania and Laurel House to develop an innovative program of work that is designed to

promote the safety of girls and women.

Girl Guides Tasmania delivers girl-led leadership and self-development through the Australian Guide

Program, which is delivered through weekly unit meetings and led by trained volunteers.

The Blueline Laundry is a 128-year-old registered charity operation that is the linen and laundry supplier

of choice for Tasmania’s healthcare industry.

It provides meaningful employment for people experiencing disadvantage and other forms of barriers
to employment, with 35 per cent of its workforce having a disability, and migrants making up another

35 per cent.

Thanks to Hydro Tasmania’s innovation grant, Blueline Laundry can improve its gender diversity by

sponsoring women in its workforce to gain their forklift and medium rigid truck licenses.

For more information on Hydro Tasmania’s community grant program, please visit our community grants page.

Released for Hydro Tasmania by Duncan Abey / 0409 324 398/ media@hydro.com.au


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