1 August 2022 (?)
Renewable energy is the talk of the town right now as Australia’s electricity market rapidly shifts away from traditional sources of power to new, low-cost sources like wind and hydro.
Tasmania has enormous potential for growth in renewables and having a diverse, skilled, and motivated workforce will be critical to the state’s future success. Hydro Tasmania has long recognised the need to nurture the workforce of the future, especially women who are under-represented in energy. We’re proud to be the driving force behind Girls in Power.
Girls in Power is a unique, three-day event in September, backed by a collaboration of energy industry players designed to inspire young women in Years 9 and 10 and open their eyes to the possibilities in clean energy. It will provide hands-on experiences for careers and skills and is the first of two such events being organised with the support of the Tasmanian Government under the Supporting Women to Succeed Grants Program.
Hydro Tasmania Executive General Manager People Culture and Engagement, Ruth Groom, said that Hydro Tasmania recognised that it can be hard at that age to make choices for the future which is why Girls in Power is designed to provide inspiration, confidence, and choices.
“Girls in Power will unpack what a renewable energy career can be, the pathways to reach them, subjects to study and connect girls with inspiring women in the sector,” Ruth said.
“We want to show the way for those girls who aren’t sure about what they want to do, who may need a little inspiration about school and future opportunities or some help to explore what they could achieve.
“It will help girls better understand STEM and the potential careers it could bring, to see themselves reflected in women across the industry who have overcome barriers to achieve great things, and to connect them with other like-minded girls.”
Renee Anderson, TasNetworks' Executive, People, said her organisation sought to encourage diversity in all its forms and to always ensure an inclusive approach.
“While we’re a long way from perfect, partnering on initiatives like Girls in Power, push us forward in our ambitions by allowing us to demonstrate the opportunities a career in the power industry presents for young people who might not have considered it as an option,” Renee said.
Released for Hydro Tasmania by Duncan Abey / 0409 722 359 / media@hydro.com.au
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