13 May 2020 (?)
Hydro Tasmania welcomes the release of the State Government’s draft Tasmanian Renewable Energy Action Plan, which charts a course to a world-leading Tasmanian renewable energy industry by building on our existing strengths.
The plan captures the important role of both Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation and TasNetwork’s Marinus Link projects as engines for future economic prosperity, and details the State Government’s ongoing support for these initiatives.
Hydro Tasmania CEO Steve Davy said the State Government had backed up their bold renewable energy target with a plan to make it a reality.
“Pumped hydro, more interconnection and the untapped capacity of our existing systems will each make an important contribution to Tasmania’s renewable energy target of generating 200 per cent of current needs by 2040,” Mr Davy said.
“Tasmanians will directly benefit from more renewable energy generation through even greater energy security, investment and employment throughout the state, new industries such as renewable hydrogen generation and the take up of electric vehicles.
“We also share the State Government’s commitment to ensuring Tasmanians get value for money, and we’re confident that the costs of both Battery of the Nation and Marinus will be outweighed by the economic benefits, with Tasmanians paying only a fair share for projects that will benefit the country.”
By reinforcing the Tasmanian Government’s commitment to renewable energy, the Tasmanian Renewable Energy Action Plan confirms the value of Hydro Tasmania’s existing assets and capabilities, and allows us to continue to invest in the future of our assets and workforce.
“As Battery of the Nation and Marinus Link continue, it’s pleasing to see this plan demonstrate the benefits we can offer ordinary Tasmanians,” Mr Davy said.
“I look forward to discussing this draft plan with stakeholders and sharing our excitement for Tasmania’s future.”
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au