27 August 2019 (?)
Hydro Tasmania has been advised by Basslink Pty Ltd that the Basslink interconnector could be offline until mid-October while repair work is undertaken.
Hydro Tasmania’s Acting Chief Operations Officer, Jesse Clark, said Tasmania has ample on-island resources to manage the situation. We have a world-class hydropower system that’s served Tasmanians well for more than a century, excellent wind power resources and the ability to run gas-fired generation if required.
“While the news that Basslink could be offline until mid-October is not ideal, it won’t cause any energy security concern for Tasmania.
“On the back of good winter inflows Hydro Tasmania’s storages are at a very healthy level of 45.5 per cent, which is well above the High Reliability Level,” he said.
Released for Hydro Tasmania by Cassandra Leigh / 0409 722359 / media@hydro.com.au.
The High Reliability Level (HRL), as the name suggests, is a level where we have high reliability of energy supply - even with very dry weather AND a six month Basslink outage, we would still have enough energy in storage to meet Tasmania's needs.
As at Monday 26 August 2019
High Reliability Level – 28%
Total Energy in Storage – 45.5%
The Tasmanian Economic Regulator (TER) releases a monthly dashboard assessing Tasmania's energy security. These reports are available on the TER website - https://www.economicregulator.tas.gov.au/about-us/energy-security-monitor-and-assessor/tasmanian-energy-security-monthly-dashboard
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au