2 May 2019 (?)
Representatives from Hydro Tasmania and TasNetworks will be on hand at Agfest to give those attending a chance to find out more about Battery of the Nation and what it could mean for the State and the rest of Australia.
Members of the project teams will be there to talk about this exciting initiative and take questions.
Battery of the Nation is about locking in our island’s energy security and giving Tasmanians the lowest possible power prices. It’s also about using any surplus energy to support the energy needs of mainland Australia as coal is phased out.
Hydro Tasmania staff will focus on pumped hydro opportunities and getting more out of our hydropower system while TasNetworks will provide more detail about Marinus Link and the case for further Bass Strait interconnection as part of Australia’s future electricity grid.
Chris Gwynne, Project Director, said early modelling shows the initiative would create billions of dollars of investment and thousands of jobs in regional Tasmania over 10 to 15 years.
Mr Gwynne said community understanding and support was crucial to the project’s success.
“Tasmania has huge natural advantages when it comes to helping meet our future energy needs, not only in Tasmania but on the mainland as well,” he said. “This includes an existing hydropower system, exceptional wind resources and existing expertise across the industry,” he said.
“We want to provide the opportunity for all Tasmanians to learn about what is being proposed and ask questions of those behind the initiative.
“Agfest is a wonderful event that attracts thousands of people from across the State and provides us with the perfect opportunity to help build community understanding.”
Battery of the Nation is part of the solution needed to support a national energy market in transition, and will deliver multiple benefits in Tasmania – giving Tasmanians the lowest possible power prices, creating much-needed jobs in regional areas and bringing broad economic benefit to Tasmania.”
Hydro Tasmania and TasNetworks staff can be found at the TasNetworks site M45 throughout the three-day event.
Released for Hydro Tasmania by Cassandra Leigh / 0409 722359 / media@hydro.com.au.
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au