5 February 2019 (?)
Not-for-profit groups across Tasmania are being encouraged to put forward projects that will benefit their local communities.
Applications are now open for the third annual round of Hydro Tasmania’s Community Grant Program.
The initiative provides grants of up to $5000 for grassroots organisations making a real difference in their communities.
In the first two years of the program, the community grants have supported 14 projects which generated positive benefits for the communities in which they occurred. These diverse projects included everything from rewiring the CWA Hall on King Island and providing heating for the Mole Creek Opportunity Shop to the purchase of a defibrillator for the Campbell Town and Districts Men’s Shed and meal support for new mothers and their families at Esther’s House in Hobart.
Hydro Tasmania’s Community Co-ordinator, Kate Hickey, said the grants program was proving very popular with 84 applications received last year.
“A better Tasmania is at the heart of everything we do,” Ms Hickey said. “One of the ways we do this is by backing small not-for-profits that are doing amazing things for Tasmanian communities.
“Often with very small budgets and a volunteer workforce, community groups all around the State are working on projects that will make a real difference for people. We want to help, so please get your application in for this year’s round of grants.”
Applications for the 2019 Community Grant Program open today (5 February), and close at 5pm on 31 March. Grants will be awarded by 30 June. There’s more information at www.hydro.com.au/community/community-grants
Other organisations who have received a Hydro Tasmania Community Grant include the Geeveston Community Centre, Coast FM, Rosebery Community House, Tasmanian Women in Agriculture, the Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation, Phoenix Community House, Longford Men’s Shed, Rowing Tasmania, Deloraine Community House and the Launceston Women’s Shelter.
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au