1 July 2018 (?)
Specialist power and water consulting firm Entura has been appointed by Goldwind Australia as Owner’s Engineers for the Cattle Hill Wind Farm in Tasmania.
Located on the eastern shore of Lake Echo in the southern side of Central Tasmania, the wind farm will consist of 48 turbines, producing up to 144 MW of clean renewable electricity. Once operational, the project will provide clean energy to power approximately 63,500 Tasmanian homes each year.
“Entura’s wealth of experience in renewable energy projects around the world, coupled with its intimate knowledge of Tasmania’s power system, will help ensure the successful delivery of this project,” said John Titchen, Managing Director of Goldwind Australia.
Electricity network operator TasNetworks is commencing all works required to connect the wind farm to the Tasmanian grid. Entura is partnering with the principal contractor Zinfra to support TasNetworks’ Waddamana substation and grid augmentation requirements.
“We’re pleased to be partnering again with Goldwind Australia, TasNetworks and Zinfra to help deliver Cattle Hill Wind Farm in our home state of Tasmania,” said Entura Managing Director Tammy Chu. “The project will make a positive and enduring contribution to our clients and the local community, as well as support the State’s future ambitions.”
Entura recently acted as independent advisor to Goldwind Australia during construction of the White Rock Wind Farm in New South Wales, providing engineering design review and site inspections for the balance of plant contract, which included the main wind farm civil and electrical works. In Tasmania, Entura delivered end-to-end services for a number of wind powerprojects, including Musselroe, Woolnorth and Studland Bay wind farms.
Entura draws on more than 20 years of experience at the forefront of the industry developing and delivering wind farms in Australia. Around the world, the firm has been involved in more than 100 advanced and operational wind farms with projects totalling greater than 20 000 MW in India, South Africa, Sri Lanka, China, the Philippines, New Zealand and the Pacific.
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