Trout season opens as inflows surge

2 August 2018

Hydro Tasmania has urged anglers to take care as they hit the water this weekend, for the start of the trout season on Saturday August 4.

Continuing high rainfall across the state has seen significant inflows into our dams and most are at the point of spilling.

Hydro Tasmania’s Chief Operating Officer, Evangelista Albertini, said heavy rains meant there could be hazards for boaters and anglers.

“A number of Hydro Tasmania dams are experiencing high water levels and we urge anyone heading out on the water to use extra caution when launching or retrieving boats,” he said

“The heavy rain can also mean it may be difficult to access some boating infrastructure. For example, Wayatinah Lagoon public boat ramp is currently inaccessible due to flooding.

“If you’re planning on going boating, it’s a good idea to check lake levels before heading out.”

Hydro Tasmania’s overall storage is at 45.2 per cent, with July the sixth month in a row where above average rainfall has been recorded.

Hydro Tasmania takes great pride in supporting Tasmanian fishers and encourages any keen anglers to make the most of the season.

Fishing is huge in Tasmania, with approximately 25,000 anglers currently licensed to fish Tasmania’s inland waters.

Check lake levels and water flows to get all the information you need to safely get out on water managed by Hydro Tasmania. 



Released for Hydro Tasmania by Sam Ikin / 0409 722359 /


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