Making a difference for Tasmanian communities

23 July 2018

Hydro Tasmania is funding seven projects to help make Tasmanian communities more safe, connected and empowered.

The business has awarded grants of up to $5,000 from its annual Community Grant Program.

Hydro Tasmania’s Community Coordinator, Kate Hickey, said the program helps not-for-profit organisations make a real difference in Tasmanian communities.

“Tasmanians are our owners and most important customers. The successful recipients of these grants are volunteers who work tirelessly to help others,” Mrs Hickey said.

Our people and their families live and work around the state in big and small communities. We are honoured to help out where we can - whether by helping people in need, sharing our skills, or helping with community activities and events.

“It was inspiring to see the benefits of our inaugural 2017 community grants. We look forward to seeing this year’s grants make a difference for Tasmanians,” she said.

Hydro Tasmania received 84 applications for its 2018 Community Grant Program, having received 96 applications in its inaugural year (2017).

Grant applications were assessed by a judging panel of Gerard Flack (Director of Wholesale Energy Services, Hydro Tasmania), Kate Hickey (Community Coordinator, Hydro Tasmania) and Lesley Mackay (General Manager, The Smith Family Tasmania).

In 2018, Hydro Tasmania has awarded community grants to the following recipients:

  • Rowing Tasmania

    To replace 35-year-old seating at the Lake Barrington International Rowing Course, which hosts about 50,000 visitors each year.

  • Pegarah Country Women’s Association

    For rewiring and improving safety at the CWA Hall on King Island. The hall is used for get-togethers, exercise classes, markets, flower and art shows.       

  • Magnolia Place (Launceston Women’s Shelter)

    To provide art therapy workshops for residents and their children who’ve suffered trauma. The workshops help ease isolation, boost physical and mental health, and support recovery.

  • Mole Creek opportunity shop

    To fund maintenance and revival work at the op-shop, which has been a community focal point for three decades. It will also give volunteers (who have an average age of 80) heating for the first time.

  • Campbell Town and Districts Mens Shed

    To buy a defibrillator, and upgrade tools and machinery. Membership is growing quickly, with the shed now hosting a special ladies day and woodwork for people with a disability.

  • Esther’s House Pregnancy and Parenting Support

    To supply meals for new mothers and their families. Esther’s House provides emotional and practical support for women during and after a difficult pregnancy.

  • Deloraine Community House - To fund “Harvest Helpers” to prevent excess fruit being wasted. The fruit gets preserved and used in an emergency, as food for people in need, or as catering at community get-togethers.

Applications for Hydro Tasmania’s 2019 Community Grant Program will open in February and close at the end of March. There’s more information on Hydro Tasmania’s website.

Hydro Tasmania actively supports Colony 47, Volunteering Tasmania, The Smith Family and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, and sponsors a range of community events. The business releases water for local, national and international recreational and sporting events, as well as funding infrastructure like walking tracks, boat ramps, camping grounds, jetties and pontoons.



Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 /


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