Discover Tasmania’s clean, affordable energy future

14 July 2018

Tasmanians are invited to take a closer look at how pumped hydro could help double Tasmania’s clean energy and provide the lowest possible power prices in coming years.

Hydro Tasmania is hosting six community information sessions around the state to share more information about the Battery of the Nation initiative and hear from the community.

The sessions will focus on pumped hydro storage – with Hydro Tasmania recently identifying 14 options as the state’s best pumped hydro opportunities.

Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation Project Director, Chris Gwynne, said social, economic and technical assessments of these options are now starting, and those assessments will help narrow the options further.

“We’re deliberately holding these sessions in areas close to the 14 pumped hydro options. We’re very keen to hear the views of locals, provide more detail about pumped hydro and answer questions from the community,” Mr Gwynne said.

“Tasmania has huge natural advantages, and doubling our clean energy capacity will help us meet our own power needs, keep prices as low as possible, and support mainland Australia as it transitions off coal power. Pumped hydro will form a huge part of that. It represents the next generation of Tasmanian hydropower, and lets us re-use our hydro water again and again to create clean energy.

Battery of the Nation isn’t just a Hydro Tasmania initiative; it’s a Tasmanian initiative to serve and support our communities. Keeping locals informed is one of our top priorities,” he said.

Session dates and times






Cressy Community Centre

Wednesday July 25

11.30am - 2pm


Castle Hotel, Old Bookies Hall

Thursday July 26

10am – 2pm


Rosebery Community House

Wednesday August 1

2pm – 5pm


West Coast Community Services Hub Training Room

Thursday August 2

3pm – 6.30pm


Sheffield Town Hall Supper Room

Wednesday August 8

3.30pm - 7.00pm


Lorinna Community Hall

Thursday August 30

2pm – 3pm

Early modelling shows Battery of the Nation would create billions of dollars of investment and thousands of jobs in regional Tasmania over 10 to 15 years. There’s more information about pumped hydro on Hydro Tasmania’s website


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 6230 5330 / 0409 722 359 /


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