Boosting Tasmania’s recreational facilities

16 March 2018

Lake Barrington’s Kentish Park recreational boating facility is now safer for all users.

The boat ramps and pontoons have been upgraded by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST), with support from Hydro Tasmania, Kentish Council, and the Mersey-Forth Recreation Management Committee.

Two of the existing pontoons at Kentish Park have been linked to increase the area for temporary berthing. The work has also created a safe swimming zone, away from other lakes users.

Hydro Tasmania’s Chief Operating Officer, Evangelista Albertini, said with the support of MAST’s Recreational Boating Infrastructure Fund, Hydro Tasmania has upgraded the existing pontoons.

“While providing clean, secure energy is Hydro Tasmania’s first priority, we also take pride in supporting recreational water users,” Mr Albertini said.

“As proud Tasmanians, we’re pleased to support the activities that enrich Tasmanians’ lives. And we’re delighted to improve safety for people who enjoy using the Lake Barrington facilities,” he said. 

The Kentish Council Mayor, Don Thwaites, said the Council was very pleased to provide $10,000 towards this very worthwhile project.

“This project has been a long-term initiative of the Mersey-Forth Recreation Management Committee. Many different users access Lake Barrington at Kentish Park therefore the new pontoon will contribute towards reducing congestion at the boat ramps and importantly improve user safety,” Cr Thwaites said.

Hydro Tasmania is Australia’s leading clean energy business, the largest producer of renewable energy, and largest water manager. It works with MAST to improve boating facilities at popular sites.

Barrington Pontoon 1


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 /


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