Exciting times for Tasmanian angling

24 October 2017


Hydro Tasmania is set to sponsor one of the biggest fishing events in Tasmania’s history.

The 39th Fips-Mouche World Fly Fishing Championships will be held in the state in November and December 2019, with 37 international teams and entourages involved.

It’s only the third time Tasmania and Australia has hosted the event, and the first since 1988.

The CEO of Hydro Tasmania, Steve Davy, said the Championships usually attract about 2,000 people and serve as an excellent tourism showcase.

“While generating clean renewable electricity is Hydro Tasmania’s main responsibility, we also take pride in supporting the many people who love using our island’s lakes and waterways,” Mr Davy said.

“As the name implies, the WFFC is the most significant fly fishing event on the world calendar. Previous host countries have reported a major increase in fishing licences issued to overseas visitors.

“We’re delighted to be stepping-up our support for Tasmanian angling and tourism by sponsoring this prestigious event,” he said.

The Tasmanian Government is also contributing $100,000 to support the 2019 Championships.

The President of the International Fly Fishing Federation will visit Tasmanian in November 2018 to shortlist final venues, with proposed options including the South Esk, Mersey and Meander Rivers as well as Arthurs, Four Springs, Huntsman and Woods Lakes and Little Pine and Penstock Lagoons.

The Chairman of the World Fly Fishing Championships Organising Committee, Glenn Eggleton, said hosting an event of this scale was only possible with the generous support of the Tasmanian Government and major sponsors like Hydro Tasmania.

“We’re especially pleased to have Hydro Tasmania on board because of their historic involvement with the State’s magnificent freshwater recreational assets,” Mr Eggleton said.

“Despite Tasmania having some of the best fly fishing waters in Australia, there’s a lot to be done in preparation for the Championships in two years’ time.

“We’re expecting hundreds of international and interstate visitors, and thousands of overseas followers. We look forward to staging a world-class event, promoting the recreational fishing industry and showcasing Tasmania’s unique natural environment to the world,” he said.

Hydro Tasmania manages more than 50 lakes and lagoons, including some popular angling waters that will be used in the 2019 Championships.

Hydro Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service are happy to announce that their overarching Memorandum of Understanding has today been extended until 2022. The MOU guides management of inland waters delivers and delivers mutual benefits.

Hydro Tasmania also works with Marine and Safety Tasmania to improve boating facilities at popular sites.


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 / media@hydro.com.au.


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