13 August 2015 (?)
The current water level in Woods Lake is the lowest it has been since 2007 for this time of year. This is a result of lower than average rainfall received in the area during the last 12 months which meant the irrigation season was longer than usual. (Woods Lake is primarily used to supply irrigation water to irrigators along the Lake River). Woods Lake only received 70% of average rainfall in the last year. As a result of the low water level, wind has caused re-suspension of sediment in the lake, and consequently turbidity is higher than normal. Re-suspension of sediment by wind is expected to continue while the water level remains low. The water level has increased by 10 cm in the first two weeks of August. August and September are usually the wettest months at Woods Lake, and therefore it is expected that the water level at Woods Lake will continue to increase as more rain falls in the catchment. Turbidity may persist for a period after the water levels increase until the re-suspended sediments have had time to settle out of the water.
To check the water level in the lake before you go, click here: http://www.hydro.com.au/water/lake-levels. You can contact Hydro Tasmania at contactus@hydro.com.au
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au