Union claims on Entura rejected

2 December 2015

Hydro Tasmania has rejected claims made by Professionals Australia regarding the operation of a proposed joint venture involving its consulting business Entura.

In a media statement issued today, Professionals Australia has misunderstood information provided to employees as part of ongoing consultation sessions about progress on the joint venture.

The union has claimed that Entura’s technical employees may be required to act more in a sales role under a joint venture, and that there is uncertainty over the continuation of work undertaken by Entura for Hydro Tasmania.

In a formal response to the union today, these claims were rejected.

Hydro Tasmania is this week hosting representatives from PowerChina Huadong and HydroChina as part of ongoing discussions about the proposed joint venture.

“As part of their presentation, the parties outlined their vision for the proposed joint venture, and the wide range of opportunities they saw for current Entura employees,” said Steve Davy, Hydro Tasmania Chief Executive Officer.

“Certainly Entura’s sales and marketing capability will be an important part of the joint venture. However, this is in addition to retaining and further developing Entura’s existing power and water technical consulting capabilities.”

PowerChina Huadong and HydroChina also restated Hydro Tasmania’s previous commitment that employees of the new joint venture would be guaranteed terms and conditions at least as favourable as they currently have.

“The vision of the joint venture parties is a business that combines the complementary capabilities of the three parties, and a business that offers growth opportunity to its employees in both the range of projects and the markets serviced,” Mr Davy said.

“While there are a number of issues that are still the subject of negotiation, the parties in the proposed joint venture have made it clear that employees are front and centre in these deliberations.”

The union’s claim that Entura would not have continued access to work for Hydro Tasmania was also rejected.

“This concern is misplaced. It is expected that all shareholders in the proposed joint venture will procure services from the new Entura business,” Mr Davy said.

“We expect that Hydro Tasmania will continue to source similar levels of service from the new Entura as those currently in effect, if the proposed joint venture goes ahead.”


For more information, contact Samantha Meyer (03) 6230 5746


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