Ministerial Statement - Energy security

8 March 2016

An update on Tasmania’s energy security was provided on 8 March by Matthew Groom, Minister for Energy, during the first sitting of Parliament.

The Ministerial Statement provided an update on the Energy Supply Plan, which is being implemented to ensure Tasmania’s energy needs will continue to be met.

The Energy Supply Plan has two phases:

  • Phase 1: to get to winter rains without Basslink; and
  • Phase 2: to put in place longer-term supply options if Basslink cable remains out into next summer or beyond.

Phase 1 of the Energy Supply Plan is currently underway, with the current area of focus on installation and operation of temporary diesel generation at locations around Tasmania.

The Government is progressing planning for Phase 2 of the Energy Supply Plan.

The Energy Minister also announced the establishment of the Tasmanian Energy Security Taskforce. The Taskforce will have three members, all with extensive experience in the energy sector including renewable energy development and financing, national electricity market (NEM) regulation, business management and governance. The Taskforce will be chaired by Mr Geoff Willis, the current Chairman of Aurora Energy.

The Tasmanian Energy Security Taskforce will be charged with undertaking a future energy security risk assessment for Tasmania and will report back to Government with recommended actions to help future proof Tasmania’s energy security.


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