Increase for Bass Strait islands’ electricity tariffs

23 June 2015

The price of electricity for customers on King and Flinders Islands will increase by
3.77 per cent from 1 July 2015.

The energy fees have been updated taking into account CPI movements and other factors since the last tariff reset.

The start date for the tariff change has been aligned with the financial year, bringing the Bass Strait islands into line with the practice on mainland Tasmania and in other states. The pricing for public lights and contracted lights, late payment fees, connection fees and additional charges are the same as the 2014-15 rates. The rates for fee-based services (excluding late payment fees) have been updated and are the same as the rates for mainland Tasmania for 2015-16.

Hydro Tasmania provides electricity services on the Bass Strait islands under a Community Service Obligation (CSO), funded by the Tasmanian Government. Retail services are provided by Momentum Energy. The State Government provides a CSO at a sufficient level to subsidise the energy rate for Bass Strait island customers.

As a result of the CSO, customers on the Bass Strait islands are effectively insulated from fluctuating diesel costs and have historically only been exposed to price rises due to CPI and GST. The Bass Strait islands energy tariff is now near parity with mainland Tasmanian prices, however daily charges are higher on mainland Tasmania.

The Department of Treasury and Finance has agreed to the revised tariff schedule for the Bass Strait Islands for 2015 in accordance with the requirements of the CSO.

Momentum Energy will write directly to all customers on the islands to advise them of the change to their energy rates and services fees.

You can download the electricity tariffs from 1 July 2015 here (PDF 105 KB). 


Released by Samantha Meyer: 03 6230 5746


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