Hydro Tasmania welcomes release of the Tasmanian Energy Strategy

6 May 2015

Hydro Tasmania welcomes the release of the Government’s Energy Strategy.

Hydro Tasmania is a key participant in Tasmania’s energy supply industry operating in the National Electricity Market (NEM). Hydro Tasmania supports the vision that energy should be “a competitive advantage for Tasmania by:

·         delivering affordable energy at competitive and predictable prices that are amongst the lowest in Australia;

·         empowering consumer choice;

·         ensuring an efficient energy sector that is customer focussed;

·         utilising energy to facilitate State growth; and

·         maximising Tasmania’s renewable energy opportunities.”

Tasmania’s hydro-industrialisation has been a driver of the state’s economic development.  This development has led to Hydro Tasmania owning and operating 30 hydropower stations, 55 major dams and a significant amount of associated hydropower infrastructure across the state.  Approximately two-thirds of the generation from Tasmania’s hydropower system is from machines greater than 40 years old.  Hydro Tasmania will invest around $800 million over the next 10 years to maintain Tasmania’s hydropower assets at a level that will ensure safe and reliable generation of renewable energy.

Nationally, hydropower remains Australia’s largest source of renewable energy, providing 55 per cent of Australia’s renewable electricity in 2013. Australia’s hydropower resources must be maintained and modernised into the future so that they continue to strengthen Australia’s energy mix, energy security and can support the necessary transition to low-emissions energy supply. 

Hydro Tasmania looks forward to working with the Government on the implementation of Tasmania’s energy strategy. 


Released by Samantha Meyer, 03 6230 5746  


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