8 October 2015 (?)
Hydro Tasmania's specialist power and water consulting firm Entura has been selected by the Department of Irrigation of the Government of Nepal and the Asian Development Bank to deliver consulting services for the investigation and detailed engineering design of the Nagmati Dam.
Located near Kathmandu, the Nagmati Dam is part of the Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project, which aims to improve water security and resilience to potential climate change impact in the Bagmati River Basin. The project will build on the community’s desire to restore the river environment in the Kathmandu Valley. It will also support the Government's efforts to improve irrigation development and mitigate the impact of water-induced disasters in the middle and lower reaches of the basin.
Read the full story on the Entura website.
Released by Samantha Meyer, (03) 6230 5746.
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au