Submission to Public Accounts Committee

16 June 2016

Hydro Tasmania has lodged a detailed submission to the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) inquiry into the state’s energy businesses.

Hydro Tasmania welcomes the opportunity to participate fully in the PAC process. Its submission seeks to inform the Committee and assist in its deliberations.

In its submission, Hydro Tasmania has sought to:

• Provide a range of information and supporting documents relevant to the Inquiry’s specific terms of reference.

• Outline its response to the unprecedented set of circumstances that have impacted Tasmania over the past nine months and resulted in the Inquiry being initiated.

• Provide details of the Corporation’s response to the emerging climatic situation and the Basslink outage.

• Outline the components of Hydro Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government’s Energy Supply Plan, designed to maintain energy supply for Tasmania.

• Inform the Committee of Hydro Tasmania’s response to a number of related government policy initiatives and changes in recent years, both at a Federal and State level, which have required the business to make specific strategic decisions and adjust its operations.

The public submission is available on the PAC website, and excludes commercially-sensitive and confidential information.



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