Release of Tasmanian Government Flood Review report

4 June 2017

Hydro Tasmania welcomes the release of the report into the floods of June 2016, and notes there are lessons to be learned for future events.

“The floods were a tragedy for many Tasmanian communities, in particular the families of those who died,” said Steve Davy, Hydro Tasmania CEO.

“Hydro Tasmania extends sympathy to all affected.

“While the flood review confirms cloud seeding had no impact on rainfall, and therefore the flooding, we acknowledge that our decision to cloud seed on 5 June caused community concern and distress,” Mr Davy said.

Hydro Tasmania notes the review’s independent expert has supported the findings of its own independent expert: that the cloud seeding on 5 June 2016 had no impact on precipitation.

“However, the report also notes opportunities to improve,” Mr Davy said.

“We need to improve our processes, and will only resume cloud seeding once we achieve the standards Tasmanians would expect,” he said.

Hydro Tasmania’s cloud seeding program has been suspended since June 2016 and will not resume for at least the remainder of this year.

“We are undertaking a full internal review of the program, which we will finalise now that the Flood Review has released its report,” Mr Davy said.

“Community response to the report findings and recommendations will inform our engagement with stakeholders and the cloud seeding program will not resume until we have had those conversations with the community,” he said.


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 /


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