Minor oil spill near Trevallyn Power Station

25 August 2016

Hydro Tasmania has taken steps to contain a small oil spill downstream of the Trevallyn Power Station.

A member of the community noticed and reported the oil sheen on the surface of the tailrace (below the power station) before it enters the Tamar River.

The spill is estimated at between five and 10 litres in volume. Hydro Tasmania is investigating whether it originates from the power station itself, or an external source such as diesel from a nearby boat motor.

As a precaution, the Trevallyn Power Station has been temporarily shut down.

Hydro Tasmania is using an oil boom to contain the spill, and expects it be cleaned up in the next few hours.

The Environmental Protection Authority has been notified in line with standard procedure.


Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 / media@hydro.com.au.


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