1 August 2017 (?)
Hydro Tasmania is proud to be supporting a celebration of one of Tasmania’s most treasured natural assets.
The Derwent exhibition opened at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) in Hobart on 28 July, with Hydro Tasmania as its major sponsor. It features stunning photography and panoramas of the River Derwent.
The CEO of Hydro Tasmania, Steve Davy, said the business is proud to support cultural and recreational events that are precious and meaningful for Tasmanians.
“At Hydro Tasmania, the Derwent is very special to us,” Mr Davy said.
“One of our biggest hydropower catchments is based around the upper Derwent, and our people have a rich history of living and working and building in the Derwent Valley for most of the last century.
“In the modern day, our business is full of people who love to work around the Derwent, nurture the Derwent, research the Derwent, protect the Derwent, photograph the Derwent, and fish the Derwent… and many more pursuits.
“So a unique exhibition like this one, that celebrates the Derwent, including its beauty, its complexity, its heritage, its contribution to the lives of Tasmanians, is a very natural fit that we’re delighted to be supporting.
“I want to thank and recognise David Stephenson and Martin Walch as the artists who’ve put so much love and passion and patience and imagination into the work currently on display at TMAG,” he said.
Mr Davy said one of the most exciting features of Hydro Tasmania’s sponsorship is a school outreach program being delivered in Hydro’s catchment areas. The program gives young Tasmanians a chance to explore the ecology, social history, aboriginal culture and artistic interpretation of Tasmanian waterways.
The business is also sponsoring:
• A school photography project in which high school students can load images of Tasmania’s waterways on Instagram and have them displayed at TMAG.
• A free Derwent symposium at TMAG on Friday 22 September, to complement the exhibition. There’ll be more than 20 speakers, including some of Hydro Tasmania’s most skilled and passionate engineers, historians and environmental scientists sharing their insights about the Derwent and what it means to them.
• The special Hydro Tasmania family day at TMAG on Sunday 8 October, where visitors enjoy workshops, displays, activities, entertainment, live music and food vans here at TMAG to celebrate the Power of Water!
The Derwent exhibition runs until 5 November. During that time, the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery is open from 10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Sunday (1 April - 24 December). Admission is free.
There’s more information here.
Released for Hydro Tasmania by Rowan Dix, (03) 62305330 / 0409 722359 / media@hydro.com.au.
For media enquiries please contact: media@hydro.com.au