Basslink repair and diesel generation update

7 June 2016

On 8 June, Basslink Pty Ltd (BPL) provided an update on repairs to the Basslink cable. Read the BPL media release.

Tasmania’s Energy Minister, Matthew Groom, provided a response to this news, and announced Hydro Tasmania has commenced the first phase of demobilising temporary diesel generators. Read the Tasmanian Government media release.

Key points:

> The third and final joint of the cable repair has now been completed and successfully tested.

> BPL will shortly commence a range of land-based tests of both the electricity interconnector as well as the fibre optic telecommunications cable.

> Along with strong storage inflows, the cable returning to service will further ease energy supply risks in Tasmania.

> Storage levels are at 26 per cent and Hydro Tasmania has commenced the first phase of demobilising the temporary diesel generators.

> Four sites will be demobilised in June and July, reducing diesel generation capacity from 222MW to 135MW, and saving about $2 million per month in lease costs.


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