Whether you are a member of the community, a contractor, supplier, partner or neighbour, our engagement principles set out how we hope to work together with you.

Two Hydro workers speaking to two community members in the front garden of their home
Tasmanians are our owners and our most important stakeholders. Our commitment to engaging all stakeholders is outlined in our Stakeholder Engagement Charter:

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Transparency on how we shape decisions and balance priorities 
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Avoid or minimise impacts to achieve, where possible, mutually beneficial outcomes 
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Communicate early to allow time for feedback or concerns 
Icon showing persons head with a door open, in a circle
Being open to new ideas to how we can help 
Icon showing two hands shaking in a circle

Respect for all opinions and undertake our interactions with integrity

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Learn from feedback to improve all engagement interactions 

Get in touch with us!

Click here for details on how to contact us and learn more about our current projects.