As a leader in renewable energy, hydropower, water management and dam safety, we are involved in a number of national associations. Click on each logo to visit their website.
AFMA - Australian Financial Markets Association *
ANCOLD - Australian National Committee on Large Dams *
Australian Energy Council ^
Australian HR Institute
Australian Institute of Energy
Australian Water Association
CEATI - Centre for Energy Advancement through Technology Innovation *
CEDA - Committee for Economic Development of Australia
CIGRE - Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Electriques (International Council on Large Electric Systems) *
Clean Energy Council * ^
essa - Energy Supply Association Australia
Engineers Australia *
International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement for Hydropower ^
IHA - International Hydropower Association * ^
Launceston Chamber of Commerce
REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership
TCCI - Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Water Services Association of Australia
* denotes committee membership
^ denotes a position held in governance bodies