Applying for a property licence

Third party use or development

Hydro Tasmania supports a number of Third Party activities on our land and waterways. These activities, whether personal or commercial, require an application to be submitted for approval. Any person or organisation wishing to use or develop our land, or access water, will be required to enter an agreement with us. 

Hydro Tasmania reserves the right to prohibit the use or development of its land and waterways where the safety of its employees, the public or its infrastructure assets may be compromised and to limit damage to environmental values of particular areas.

Application form

To assist us to respond to your application enquiry in a timely manner, please ensure that you read the application requirements below and that you have provided all the necessary information.

If you are unclear on any of the requirements, please contact our Commercial Property Advisor on 1300 360 441 to discuss or arrange an appointment concerning your proposal.

Applicant details

Is the applicant a

Please provide supporting evidence from the applicant that it endorses the proposal
For example - copies of meeting minutes or similar
Do you require the supply of water to facilitate your use or development?

Insurance details

All agreements with Hydro Tasmania must be covered by a minimum of $20 million Public Liability insurance with Hydro Tasmania noted as an interested party.
Does the applicant currently hold Public Liability insurance?

The applicant acknowledges that additional insurance, including workers compensation or building insurance, may be a requirement of any further agreement:

Location of land to be used or developed

Is the area currently accessed by a public road?

Is the area publically accessible or at an existing Hydro Tasmania public site?

Proposed use or development

The application should include the following (as relevant):
  • a detailed site plan and/or image which clearly identifies the location of the proposed use or development; together with all existing buildings and uses of the site;
  • a complete description of the proposed use or development including hours of operation, number of persons involved and potential hazards;
  • a description outlining the demonstrated need for the proposed use or development to the applicant and/or community; and
  • a description outlining any intended vegetation management activities, i.e. vegetation clearing or fuel reduction burn (an operational burn plan/s is required to be submitted for this use).


In addition to the free text above, the following documentation may be requested to support your application.
  • fully dimensioned elevations, floor and site plans at an appropriate scale which includes a north point. These plans should clearly identify:
    • external colours and finishes of the proposed building;
    • existing/proposed lot dimensions, frontage and contours;
    • finished surface levels;
    • finished floor levels of the building;
    • finished roof levels of the building;
    • maximum height of the building above natural ground level;
    • the dimension and layout of any car parking spaces;
    • existing trees, nominating those to be removed and those to be retained;
    • extent of any site works (cut, fill and method of retaining); and
    • soil conditions (such as depth, description of type and land capability);
  • a survey of vegetation and plant communities, an assessment of their importance and measures to protect threatened species in the area subject to disturbance by the proposed use or development;
  • identification of any natural hazards including flood prone areas, high fire risk areas and land subject to instability and proposed mitigation measures;
  • a site plan of the proposed landscaping of the site;
  • a survey of the site to determine the existence of Aboriginal or historical cultural heritage;
  • operational burn plan/s including burn objectives, map, risk assessment, notification, planning and safety considerations; and
  • any other associated management plans, i.e. consultation and engagement, public safety, traffic management or resource plans.
If you currently have this information or other plans available, please submit these with your application.
Has the applicant engaged with local council?

Can the applicant submit plans for the development?

Please upload plans here

Work, health and safety declaration

There may be a need for the preparation of a Job Hazard Analysis or Safe Work Methods Statement depending on the extent of the proposed use or development. The applicant is responsible for all costs involved with the preparation of any supporting documentation.

All work, health and safety risks and hazards of the proposal will be assessed in line with Hydro Tasmania's policies and procedures.

By selecting the check box below, the applicant acknowledges that additional work, health and safety information may be required.
This field is required

Environmental declaration

There may be a need for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment or Environmental Management Plan depending on the extent of the proposed use or development. The applicant is responsible for all costs involved with the preparation of any supporting documentation.

All environmental risks and hazards of the proposal will be assessed in line with Hydro Tasmania's policies and procedures.

By selecting the box below, the applicant acknowledges that additional environmental information may be required.
This field is required
I have read and understood the application requirements and I hereby declare that the above details provided by me are true and correct.