There are many ways that individuals, groups and businesses can work with us.
Any person wishing to use or develop Hydro Tasmania land will require an agreement issued by Hydro Tasmania. Hydro Tasmania reserves the right to prohibit the use or development of its land and lakes where the safety of its employees, the public or its infrastructure assets may be compromised and to limit damage to environmental values of particular areas. To ensure we can process your application as quickly as possible, please read the application requirements and ensure you have provided all the necessary information in your application. If you are unclear of any aspect of the application, please contact our Commercial Property Advisor on 1300 360 441 to discuss or arrange an appointment concerning your proposal.
A wide range of photography and filming that occurs on our land requires Hydro Tasmania’s prior written approval. Read more about filming on Hydro Tasmania land.
At Hydro Tasmania, we value our partnerships. We've developed a set of principles to guide our relationships with suppliers. We're committed to being a customer of choice by adopting the principles below:
Keep dialogue open and honest
Define our requirements clearly
Pay on time, expect delivery on time
Capitalise on synergies, appreciate diversity
Rather then printing and sending our terms and conditions with every purchase order we invite you to download them instead to help us save paper.
Hydro Tasmania Purchase order - General terms and conditions 2024
AETV Power Purchase order - General terms and conditions 2024
All queries relating to our purchase orders and the terms and conditions can be sent to
Hydro Tasmania is committed to paying correctly rendered tax invoices with agreed terms and conditions. To help this process run efficiently as possible please ensure you provide a correctly rendered invoice that:
Complies with the ATO requirements regarding issuing of tax invoices;
Is emailed as one .pdf document per invoice, with a purchase order number referenced on every invoice; and
Is sent to as the primary email address.