Hydro families power on

16 May 2023

Our hydro history is a long one. It has told stories of sacrifice, change, and family legacies. One of these continues today with Oliver Giudici, Civil Engineer at Hydro Tasmania.

Tasmania's iconic hydropower system, past, present and future

09 October 2020

Just as past generations built Tasmania’s iconic hydropower schemes we rely on for renewable energy today, the Battery of the Nation concept, when fully realised, will be a lasting legacy we leave for the generations of Tasmanians that follow us.

olga alternative

Revisiting Hydro’s history and heritage

25 February 2020

It's been 37 years since plans for the Lower Gordon power scheme were abandoned after one of the most divisive environmental campaigns in Tasmania's history. From those controversial times came a deepened commitment by Hydro to environmental planning, revegetation and site restoration.

West header

West: Out on the Edge

03 December 2019

We’re very proud to be a major partner of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG)’s West: Out on the Edge, a captivating new multidisciplinary exhibition exploring a unique region of our state. Tasmania’s west is a complex and compelling place, isolated by its extreme terrain but strengthened by its history and community.

Waddamana Power Station Heritage Site

Waddamana re-opens after the fires

22 May 2019

The Waddamana Power Station Heritage Site has re-opened to the public, having survived Tasmania's relentless summer fires. It is Hydro Tasmania’s first power station and the centrepiece of the Great Lake Power Scheme, which is entered on the Tasmanian Heritage Register.

The legacy of John Butters

02 January 2019

It’s not every day that a power station evokes tears of sentimental joy but that is precisely the effect the John Butters Power Station had on one special visitor recently.

Black and white image of men marching in an ANZAC Day parade at Wayatinah

The veterans who helped build the Hydro

09 November 2018

War veterans have played an important role with Hydro Tasmania throughout the past century. In 1947 Polish ex-servicemen were invited to apply for two year contracts with the Hydro. Antoni ‘Tony’ Rozmaryniewicz was one of them and we are proud to share his story.

A wall with interpretation panels depicting early images and stories from Lake Margaret

New life at Lake Margaret

24 August 2018

There are many hidden treasures in the winding copper-coloured hills around Queenstown on Tasmania’s rugged west coast. But few of them carry the same history and mystique as the Lake Margaret Power Station.