Inspiring the next generation in STEM

10 February 2022

We know have a big role to play in helping primary and secondary students understand STEM subjects, including renewable energy. In 2017, Generation Hydro was born.

To the Moon and back

To the Moon and back - space technology driving life on earth

16 August 2019

If you are old enough to remember watching the Moon landing on your black and white television in 1969, you will remember it as a defining moment in our history. But what does this have to do with Hydro Tasmania?

Education coordinator, Gina Harvey, showing a student a diagram of water flow

Generation Hydro - Helping STEM the decline

30 November 2018

We love STEM. Unfortunately the number of students taking up STEM subjects at school is low. So we’ve developed an education program, Generation Hydro, which allows teachers to harness the resources of Hydro Tasmania to get their students excited about STEM.