21 August 2020
As custodians of 60 per cent of Tasmania’s freshwater resources, we play a pivotal role in looking after some of the state’s most important natural assets, with responsibilities that stretch well beyond the generation of clean energy.
05 June 2020
Hear what it’s like to work within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area to protect nature, as members of the Hydro Tasmania and Entura teams share close encounters with native animals, and fascinating insights into native and invasive plant species, to help us understand why now more than ever it’s time.
02 June 2020
We’re all navigating how to work in this unfamiliar world, and for some of us, we see hope on the horizon as things slowly return to normal. But what if you work far beyond the 30km essential travel boundary? We talk to Brett Brady stationed at Gordon Power Station where he’s working with a small team to keep the lights on.
26 May 2020
Getting your head around a new job can be daunting at the best of times, but when there is a global pandemic happening at the same time... Alyssa, our Cadet Hydrographer, accepted the challenge. Her team is working together, but working at a distance, as she continues her role as one of Hydro Tasmania's water caretakers.
20 May 2020
Starting a new job amid a global pandemic, Zoe's workplace was nothing like the bustling open-space office she was expecting. Her office was her home, her desk buddies are her husband and two children. How she navigated the complexities of working a brand new job and educating her children from home is admirable, to say the least.
06 May 2020
Sure our dams are impressive, but while you stand in awe of what's before you, you’re missing a whole world hidden below.
03 July 2019
It’s hard to believe that in 2019, some professions are still regarded as ‘male’ or ‘female’ careers. We at Hydro Tasmania believe in diversity in the workplace and are working actively to increase opportunities for women to enter and remain in traditionally male-dominated professions like engineering.
24 August 2018
What does a typical day as a Hydro apprentice look like? What kind of work do they do? To answer these questions and more, we had a chat with Jeremy Cashion from New Norfolk who is in his third year of a mechanical apprenticeship (and loving it).