26 September 2024
When it comes to saving the endangered Maugean skate in Macquarie Harbour on Tasmania’s West Coast, understanding how river flows impact dissolved oxygen is a vital piece of the scientific puzzle. That’s why experts at Hydro Tasmania are working closely with experts at CSIRO to develop models of the catchments and harbour.
23 April 2024
The endangered Australasian bittern is elusive; almost always heard, but not seen. For the first time in over 40 years, the distinctive booming call of this special bird has been heard at the Lagoon of Islands in on Tasmania’s Central Plateau.
03 June 2022
#Only one earth. That’s this year’s theme for World Environment Day on 5 June and it’s a fitting time for us to revisit the restoration and rehabilitation of one of Tasmania’s natural wonders – Lagoon of Islands.
17 May 2022
In 2019, we begun to rummage through our waste and recycling habits. Gowrie Park was the site for our first circular economy improvements, where we uncovered ways to design waste out of our operations.
07 September 2021
September 7 marks the global day for action on clean air and blue skies. Find out a little more about International Clean Air for Blue Skies Day in our blog and see how reducing reliance on diesel use (and increasing renewables) is playing a role in the air we breathe.
26 May 2021
There’s so much we don’t know about wombats, but these scientists are learning how to save them from a deadly disease.
02 February 2021
Nestled near Woods Lake on the Central Plateau, sits Lagoon of Islands. While the casual observer may say Lagoon of Islands is unremarkable, to an ecologist it is a place of wonder.
21 January 2021
A little-known species of burrowing crayfish thought to be extinct has been found alive and well, as part of one of our environmental surveys.
21 August 2020
As custodians of 60 per cent of Tasmania’s freshwater resources, we play a pivotal role in looking after some of the state’s most important natural assets, with responsibilities that stretch well beyond the generation of clean energy.
05 June 2020
Hear what it’s like to work within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area to protect nature, as members of the Hydro Tasmania and Entura teams share close encounters with native animals, and fascinating insights into native and invasive plant species, to help us understand why now more than ever it’s time.
04 December 2019
Bugs – they're not for everyone, especially those hardcore arachnophobes who generally jump and run at the mere sight of one. Or so I've heard.
28 October 2019
Anyone living in or around Launceston would be familiar with the flood of controversy surrounding the quality of water in the kanamaluka / Tamar estuary. But a new report has shown water
28 February 2019
As part of the Expedition of Discovery, TMAG scientists recently visited Musselroe Wind Farm looking for new and threatened species. The wind-swept sand dunes of Tasmania's North-East did not disappoint.
13 December 2018
This is an amazing story of survival in the complex universe that exists in the fresh waterways we manage. It’s not to be confused with the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy which is a completely different story in a much larger universe. The two are similar only in that they contain important lessons about life, the universe and everything, so make yourself a solid cup of tea and don’t forget your towel.
14 November 2018
We generate clean energy from water, so we really like to know how much it's going to rain. While the weather can change a lot from day to day its general trend is driven by the climate. Here in Tasmania there are three major climate drivers, let's meet them.
24 August 2018
Eels are amazing creatures, instinctively swimming up rivers to mature. That gets complicated when they get confronted with the wall of a hydro dam that’s about 30 metres high. But our aquatic scientists have come up with a novel solution.